
大学生自我监控与自我设限的关系 被引量:3

The Effect of Self-monitoring on Self-handicapping among College Students
摘要 采用问卷法以在校大学生为研究对象,研究自我监控与自我设限的相关关系。提出理论假设,即大学生群体在社会交际过程中自我监控越高的人更可能倾向于采取自我设限的保护策略。结果显示,自我监控与自陈式自我设限存在显著相关,但是与行动式自我设限没有相关。这表明在大学生群体中,自我监控对自我设限存在一定的预测和干预作用。 This study explored the relationship between self-monitoring and self-handicapping among college students by questionnaire method. It was hypothesized that high self-monitors were more likely to use self-handicapping protection strategies, and those who often used self-handicapping protection strategies were more likely to be high self-monitors. The results revealed that self-monitoring was positively correlated with claimed self-handicapping, but not with behavioral self-handicapping, which suggested that self-monitoring had the predictive effect on claimed self-handicapping among college students.
作者 李媛
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期518-521,共4页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
关键词 大学生 自我监控 自我设限. college students, self-monitoring, self-handicapping.
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