

Priming and Repetition Suppression: Review on Neural Mechanism of Priming
摘要 启动是经验对当前任务的易化作用。重复抑制是刺激重复导致的皮层神经活动减少。大量研究表明启动与重复抑制密切相关。该文以理论假设对启动研究结果的解释效力为依据,对近期认知领域内有关启动和重复抑制的研究进行梳理,评介三种理论解释启动神经机制的适用性和局限性。指出未来研究可以考虑细化启动成分和重复抑制的具体关系,并尝试在此基础上建立神经元、重复抑制和行为启动的整合理论。这将对启动神经机制的理解具有重要意义。 Priming refers to the improved processing of a repeated stimulus according to some behavioral measure. Repetition suppression refers to the decreased neural responses following stimulus repetition. Several researchers suggest that repetition suppression and priming are closely associated. Recent cognitive empirical evidence and theoretical arguments about priming and repetition suppression are reviewed on neural mechanism's view. We evaluate the theoretical models in terms of their ability to account for the RS and priming, discuss implications of these models for interpreting experimental results. Based on brief comments on some theoretical arguments, future directions are suggested to reveal the special relationship between the priming and repetition suppression depending on the subdivision of specific priming components, at the same time, the united theoretical model is suggest- ed to build on this subdivision, which includes neural mechanism of neuronal, repetition suppression and priming. This united theoretical model will be important for understanding the nature of priming.
作者 陈红 郭春彦
出处 《心理与行为研究》 CSSCI 2013年第4期553-560,共8页 Studies of Psychology and Behavior
基金 国家自然科学基金(31271078) 北京市教委科技重点基金(KZ201010028029) 高等学校博士学科点专项基金(20101108110004)的资助
关键词 启动 重复抑制 神经机制. priming, repetition suppression, neural mechanism.
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