Objective To investigate the residents' perceptions of high temperatures risks to health, and explore the related factors. Methods Questionnaires were used to investigate adult residents in Haikou City, Sanya City, Ding'an County and Changjiang County, 1316 valid questionnaires were collected. Results The mean score of the risk perception in related to high temperatures among the resident was ( 2. 95 ± 0. 95 ), the percentage of the participants who thought high temperatures was not dangerous at all, somewhat dangerous, dangerous, more dangerous, and very dangerous to the health of oneself was 7. 15%, 22. 41%, 42. 86%, 23.63% and 3.95%, respectively. Higher risk perception in the residents living in high temperatures-prone areas ( OR = 1.95, 95 % CI: 1.33 -2. 86), the knowledge able about high temperatures ( OR = l . 91, 95% CI : 1.23-2.95), poor health (OR=1.84, 95% CI : 1.00-3.37), who aggravated of pre-existing illness in hot weather (0R=3.95, 95% CI: 2.99 -5.22) and low income (0R=2.99, 95% CI: 1.52 -5.87). Con- clusion There is a lack of risk perception to high temperature risks to health among the residents in Hainan Province. We should establish an effective heat health warning system in the future, and improve the perception of the public health risk of high temperatures through effective risk communication methods.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
High temperatures
Risks perceptions