目的了解北京市西城区和昌平区促进身体活动和健康策略在西城区和昌平区的执行现状。方法采用计算机辅助的电话调查方法 (CATI)开展调查,采用单纯随机抽样方法抽取电话号码,利用SPSS 13.0软件进行一般描述性统计分析和χ2检验。结果本次电话调查共成功完成访问2450个,其中西城区1238个,昌平区1212个。利用政府提供的健身场所锻炼过身体的比例,西城区和昌平区分别为45.9%和53.8%,昌平区好于西城区;单位设立工间操的比例两区均为1/3;两区人群在体育锻炼时接受过指导的比例均在15%左右;全民健康生活方式行动的知晓率均约50%;身体活动不足会带来健康危害的知晓率均高于90%;体育锻炼参与比例,2个区差异无统计学意义。结论北京市西城区和昌平区全民健身场地利用情况要好于其他健身场所,工间操制度、社会体育指导员的工作、以及人群身体活动相关知识知晓情况尚需加强。2个区一般人群参加体育锻炼的水平高于全国平均水平。
Objective To understand physical activity and health strategy implementation in Xicheng and Chang- ping districts of Beijing. Methods Data were collected by Computer-Assisted Telephone Interview ( CATI). Telephone numbers were selected by simple random sampling. Descriptive statistics and Chi Square Test were performed. Results A total of 2450 respondents, which included 1238 from Xicheng District and 1212 from Changping District, were interviewed successfully by telephone. The utilization rate of training venues offered by government in Xicheng and Changping districts was 45.9% and 53.8%, respectively. The proportion of institutions with work-break exercises in two districts was one third. The proportion of receiving guidance when doing exercise was about 15%. Awareness rate of national health lifestyle action was about 50%. Awareness rate of the harmfulness of physical inactivity was more than 90%. Physical exercise pro- portion was no difference in two districts, which was about 60%. Conclusion The utilization of national physical fitness venues was better than other training venues. The generalization of work-break exercises, the training of social sports coaches and awareness of physical activity knowledge in general population should be strengthened. Physical exercise proportion of general population in the two districts was better than the national average level.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Physical activity
Telephone interview