Ever since the 1970's, the "structure-agency" predicament has emerged as one of the most important theoretical issues in the Western sociology. This paper is designated to elaborate the meta-theoretical foundation (such as philosophical anthropology and epistemology) underlying the "structure-agency" predicament by tracing back to Thomas Hobbes' s theory of appetite in the 17th century as a historical source from which the predicament emerged. It is concluded that the entire predicament shares the following conceptual imperatives., supreme rationality, cognitive direction, structural constraints as an external force, and the dualism of structure versus agency. In the current postmodern condition with symbolic consumption, however, such a descriptive framework is unable to capture the pulse of the contemporary era or to sufficiently deal with many emerging phenomena such as symbolic exchange and ambivalence the psychological state with both positive and negative emotions and its historical significance. What is unusual is that, in the past, Western thinkers (including sociologists) used to require logical consistency as a prerequisite to human cognizance and to view the psychological ambivalence with a negative attitude. Such social psychology as having resulted from the enlightened rationality is incapable of effectively getting the deep cultural implications of this psychological state. It is thus vital for us to develop a new style of thinking and a brand new philosophical-anthropological presupposition in dealing with the condition of human existence that is, we need a new sociology. In effect, Nietzsche of the 19th century foresaw the unique significance of symbolic exchange and ambivalence to human civilization. His concepts of "the eternal recurrence of the same", " araor fati ", and such, can serve as the crucial foundation to tackle those issues that have emerged in the postmodern condition. Furthermore, the notion of self-cultivation through the exercise of will to power in order to materialize the figure of "overman" can thus be regarded as the conceptual paradigm in response to the theme of "structure-agency" as well as to the reconceptualization of agency.
Chinese Journal of Sociology