
Zone_Cut网络模拟本地路由策略 被引量:1

Local routing strategy in network simulation based on Zone_Cut
摘要 提出并实现了Zone_Cut网络模拟本地路由策略,根据节点属性的不同将节点分为T区、LD区和HD区,对不同的区域采用不同的存储和查找策略,降低并更好地平衡了路由存储空间和查找时间。基于PDNS的实验结果表明,Zone_Cut路由策略比MTree_Nix路由策略综合性能有大幅提高。低频分组情况下,模拟时间平均减少18.08%,模拟空间平均减少51.23%;高频分组情况下,模拟时间平均减少55.29%,模拟空间平均减少74.4%。 Local routing strategy based on Zone_Cut was put forward for network simulation. All nodes in topology were divided into three zones, including T Zone, LD Zone and HD Zone according to the property of the node. To reduce the storage space and search time of routing strategy, different storage and search mechanisms were adopted for different zones, which balanced the space and time of routing mechanism. Experimental results on PDNS show that Zone_Cut im- proves the comprehensive properties of routing strategy, compared with the MTreeNix. Compared with MTree_Nix, it can reduce the simulation time and simulation space by about 18.08% and 51.23% respectively in low frequency, while in high frequency, it can reduce the simulation time and simulation space by about 55.29% and 74.4% respectively.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期14-23,共10页 Journal on Communications
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)基金资助项目(2007AA010503) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(61100189 61003261) 国家科技支撑计划基金资助项目(2012BAH45B01) 山东省中青年科学家奖励基金资助项目(BS2011DX001) 威海市科技攻关基金资助项目(2010-3-96) 哈尔滨工业大学科研创新基金资助项目(HIT.NSRIF.2011119)~~
关键词 网络模拟 路由策略 Zone_Cut MTree_Nix network simulation routing strategy Zone_Cut MTree_Nix
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