
美国重返亚洲战略下的中国与印度关系 被引量:1

Relations between China and India under America’s Strategy of Returning to Asia
摘要 印度因其特殊的地缘政治环境被美国视为抑制中国"崛起"的控制阀和其重返亚洲、构建遏制中国包围网的重要节点。但印度在政治经济上对美国借重的同时亦和中国在国际上有着诸多共同利益诉求,并为加速本国经济腾飞而不得不倚重中国高速增长的经济,其角色的特殊性决定了在中美新博弈中印度将左右倚重并制衡。因此,在经济利益为国家相互关系主导因素的背景下,中国应与印度构建共赢发展互动关系,推动两国经济持续快速发展。 India is regarded as the control valve of China's Rising and important net node of America's returning to Asia to construct the containing encirclement for China because of its special geopolitical environment. But India has to rely on China' s fast-growing economy to accelerate its economic take-off and relies on the United States in the political economy at the same time, so India has to play a game of checks and balances because of its special role in the new game between China and the United States. Therefore, our country should build win-win development interactive relationship with India to promote the bilateral economic sustained and rapid growth under the background of the dominant factors being the economic interests of the relationship between the countries.
作者 陈吉祥
出处 《东南亚纵横》 CSSCI 2013年第6期67-72,共6页 Crossroads:Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 美国 重返亚洲 中印关系 The United States Return to Asia Relations between China and India
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  • 6《印媒"印对美既攀附又制衡"》新华网,http://news.163.com/ll/0817/10/7BLC5IGU00014JB5_2.html.
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  • 8中国商务部网址http://www.mofcom.gov.cn/.
  • 9美国商务部网址 http://www.commerce.gov/.


  • 1Daniel Gross,"The Comeback Country:How America Pulled Itself Back from the Brink and Why It's Destined to Stay on Top",Newsweek,April 19.2010.
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