
儿童言误律对方言变异的映射——儿童言误映射律初探 被引量:2

Mapping of Child-Speech-Error Rule on Dialect Variation
摘要 儿童语言习得研究和方言调查相结合把儿童言误律与方言变异两个看似不相关的研究结合起来考察,结果发现儿童言误律映射了成人言误律,并通过跨语言、跨地域、跨时间的儿童言误的文献考察和我们的实证研究,进一步发现儿童言误律通过对成人言误律的映射来映射方言差异这一儿童言误映射律。由此说明方言变异乃至语言差异性和多样性可以通过儿童语言习得中言语产出的言误规律——儿童言误律来考察。 Seemingly different research-areas of child language acquisition and dialect investigation put together have resulted in a combinatory perspective on child-speech-error rule and dialect variation, which has led to the discovery that the child-speech-error rule mirrors the adult-speech-error rule. The evidence from the literatures of different sources combined with our empirical study has further implied that the Child-speech-error Mapping Rule is a rule for child-speech-error rule to map dialect variation by means of mapping adult-speech-error rule. Therefore the speech-error rule in child speech production can help unveil the motivations of dialect variation and even the diversity of and the differences between languages.
作者 艾朝阳
出处 《湖南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期99-105,共7页 Journal of Hunan University(Social Sciences)
基金 湖南大学中央专项基金重点项目资助(5311070585)
关键词 言误 儿童言误律 成人言误律 方言变异 儿童言误映射律 speech error child-speech-error rule adult-speech-error rule dialect variation childspeech-error mapping rule
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