

The Central Plains Documentary and the Editing Achievements of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty: As Regards the Editing Structure Thoughts of Zhu Xi and Lv Zuqian
摘要 朱熹是继孔子编创"六经"图书结构之后,出现于南宋的又一位编辑大师。他通过编创《大学》、《中庸》、《论语》、《孟子》和《近思录》等,开创了双重的"四书"图书结构。他将中国传统儒学体系推进到一个新的理学高峰,并影响其后880多年。这个图书结构的缔造成功,一是得力于嵩伊河洛大量"中原文献之传",二是得力于北宋众多学子特别是北宋"四子"理学研究的创新。在中国学术发展史上,形成了儒学"中兴"与文化"转型"的局面。但因宋代"变法"与"守持"、复兴统一与抱残独撑的朋党权力斗争,绑架了学术论著的编辑出版,特别是南宋庆元年间政坛引发的对程朱理学的攻讦挞伐,造成了宋元明清以来史上精神焚坑式的编辑出版学案。 Zhu Xi was an outstanding editor in Southern Song dynasty after Confucius arranging and editing the "Six Meridians". As he edited the Great Learning, the Doctrine of the Mean, the Analects of Confucius, Mencius and Jinsilu (Reflections on Things of Hand), he has created the dual "Four Books" structure, pushing the Chinese traditional Confucianism system to a new level of neo-Confucianism that had influenced in the 880 years afterwards. Two factors making contributions to creating this structure: one is the considerable amounts of documentaries in central plains; the other is the creative fruits of neo-Confucianism made by Zhou Dunyi, Cheng Yi, Cheng Hao and Zhang Zai in Northern Song dynasty. Thus resurgent idea of Confucianism and cultural transformation formed in Chinese systematic learning history. However, the editing and publishing of dissertations were fettered by the contradictions between political reforms and conservative thoughts as well as the power struggle between revitalization and reunification trends and remaining parties. Especially from 1195 to 1200 (Qingyuan years in Southern Song dynasty), the politics brought about the compiling and publishing case of burn books and bury alive Confucian scholars by exposing the weakness of neo-Confucianism.
作者 王振铎 甄娜
出处 《河南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期145-150,共6页 Journal of Henan University(Social Sciences)
关键词 编辑家朱熹 中原文献学派 编辑架构 编辑出版学案 editor Zhu Xi scholars of central plains documentary editing structure case of editing and publishing
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  • 1葛洪:《西京杂记·跋》,中华书局,1985年,六卷本《西京杂记·附录》,第45页.
  • 2[韩]李起雄等:《坡州出版城纪事》,出版城文化财团编,中文版.第7页.
  • 3潘家恩、徐庆:《吕祖谦评传》,南京大学出版社,1992年,第16页.
  • 4吕祖谦:《东莱吕太史文集》卷8《祭林宗承文》,中华书局,1985年.
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  • 6朱熹、吕祖谦编,查洪德注译:《近思录》附录,“朱熹原序”,“吕祖谦题记”,中州古籍出版社,2008年,第379页.
  • 7朱熹、吕祖谦编,查洪德注译:《近思录》附录,"吕祖谦原序",中州古籍出版社,2008年,第380页.
  • 8陆九渊著,钟哲点校:《陆九渊集》卷19《贵溪重修县学记》,中华书局,1980年,第243页.
  • 9陆九渊著,钟哲点校:《陆九渊集》卷34《语录上》,中华书局,1980年,第395页.
  • 10[清]王懋螗纂订,何忠礼点校:《朱熹年谱》卷4下,中华书局,1998年,第256页.








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