
大涡模拟在轴流风扇气动噪声仿真中的应用 被引量:19

The Application of Les in Aerodynamic Noise Simulation for Axial Fan
摘要 随着高集成、大功率电子设备的应用越来越广泛,随之而来的气动噪声问题越来越受到人们的重视,对其主要气动噪声来源—风扇的研究也越来越深入。伴随着仿真计算方法以及计算机技术的发展,数值仿真已经成为气动噪声仿真、预测、降噪的新手段。在总结了前人在气动噪声仿真中的相关手段方法后、采用流体力学计算软件Fluent和LES大涡模型对轴流风扇气动噪声进行了数值模拟,分析了轴流风扇气动噪声产生机理,验证了仿真方法的正确性,结果表明LES湍流模型能够准确预测气动噪声,满足工程应用要求。 With the widely use of high integration,high power electronic equipments ,the aerodynamic noise problem gets more and more attention of people,and the sources of main aerodynamic noise,the fan,gets more in-depth research.With the development of simulation calculation method as well as computer technology, numerical simulation has become the new ways of aerodynamic noise simulation, prediction and noise reduetion.After the conclusion of the related methods of aerodynamic noise simulation,axial flow fan aerodynamic noise numerical simulation is carried out using the computational fluid dynamics software Fluent and LES large eddy model, analyzing the axial flow fan aerodynamic noise generation mechanism,verifing the correctness of the method,and the results show that LES turbulence model is an accurate prediction model for aerodynamic noise ,which meets the requirements of Engineering application.
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2013年第1期63-65,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
关键词 大涡模拟 轴流风扇 气动噪声 数值仿真 LES Axial Fan Aerodynamic Noise Simulation
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