
涵道螺旋桨内涡抑制环流动分离控制仿真研究 被引量:1

Simulation on Flow Separation Control of Vortex Restrain Ring in Ducted Propeller
摘要 涵道螺旋桨用于垂直起降飞行器,具备突出的气动特性优势。为增大涵道螺旋桨系统拉力系数,降低桨尖间隙加工精度的要求,通过在涵道内壁桨盘下游处增加不同类型和数量的凸型实体涡抑制环结构。通过数值仿真实验研究其流场特征,分析涵道螺旋桨扩散口气流分离现象产生的机理,并研究涡抑制环对气流分离的控制效果和对涵道增升效应的影响。数值仿真结果表明:在不改变桨尖间隙尺寸的情况下,涡抑制环能够有效提高涵道螺旋桨中涵道拉力因子,最高可达到11%。 Ducted propeller used for vertical take-off and landing aircraft,has the outstanding advantages of aerodynamic characteristics.To increase the lift coefficient of ducted propeller system,and reduce requirement of blade tip clearance processing accuracy,different types of convex vortex restrain ring structure are added on the inner surface of duct.According to the CFD result,flow field characteristics are researched,and the mechanism of air flow separation of the diffuser is discovered,researching the influence of vortex restrain ring on flow separation control and duct lift augmentation.The results show that: With no change of the blade tip clearance dimension,the vortex restrain ring causes the factor of duct lift in the ducted propeller system to increase by 11%.
出处 《机械设计与制造》 北大核心 2013年第2期174-176,共3页 Machinery Design & Manufacture
基金 部级装备预先研究专用技术项目计划(40401060104)
关键词 涡抑制环 涵道螺旋桨 增升效应 Vortex Restrain Ring Ducted Propeller Lift Augment Effect
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