According to the different relations of the semantic with the verb, the object in the modem Chinese can be divided into patient objects, target object, result object, tool object, material object, way object, locative object, time object, aim object, reason object, main object, existing object, cause object, number object, hold object and virtual object. This is the extreme classification of all objects. The object which shows in the patient, target, tool, material, way, locative, time, reason, becalled, cause, and hold, etc. is of presupposition. The object of result, aim, main, existing etc. has the presupposition in the classed-object instead of the individual object. The object of be-called may have the name which contains presupposition directly or indirectly. The number object~ presupposition refers to the being of the number. Virtual object does not have presupposition. The object in modem Chinese is actually a prototype category. The non-prototypical object is the result which the prototypical object transfers through metonymy and metaphor. The presupposition of object in modem Chinese should be analyzed from several dimensions such as semantic, pragmatics and syntax, and the analysis from syntax weighted more. To describe the presupposition of the object exhaustively is of great help to explain the formation mechanism of the VO structure in Chinese and to find the inner relationship within all kinds of verbs and the presupposition of the sentence.
Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
the type of the object
Cognitive Explanation