The financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisis has fully revealed the disadvantage of the EU's "de-industrialization" which results in some members' weak crisis-resisting capacity. The situation of its economic downturn prompted the EU to review and adjust their industrial policies, "to re-establish the status of the industrial core" began to be an agenda of EU industrial policy adjustment. On October 10, 2012, a report named A Stronger European Industry for Growth and Economic Recovery was released by the European Commission. The report indicated that the goal of confirming the core status of the industry in the EU must be clear in order to promote the recovery of the European economy and achieve sustainable development, and gave a plan to improve EU's competitiveness through a unified industrial policy. The report includes four following aspects: increasing investment on new technology and innovation, refining the EU's internal market, supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, clearing the key role of human capital, and puts forward the goal of reindustrialization, namely increasing the industrial share of EU GDP from current 16% to 20% in 2020.
Global Science,Technology and Economy Outlook