针对目前国内典型800 MW级"二拖一"分轴燃气-蒸汽联合循环机组的技术特点,采用对应燃机点火余热锅炉自产汽源、两炉单独吹扫,降压稳压联合冲管的方案,对三压再热余热锅炉各受热面分别采用相应的蒸汽参数进行吹扫。临时系统配置了三个临冲门及一个消音器,在简化冲管系统的基础上增强了冲管操作的灵活性。比较了不同形式冲管临时系统的特点,讨论了冲管过程中所遇到的问题,为联合循环用三压再热余热锅炉冲管提供了参考。
For the current technical characteristics of the domestic typical FIRSG of a 800 MW-class Combined Gassteam Cycle Unit,the method that two HRSGs are blew separately and combination of dropping-pressure and steadypressure is employed, which could blow the different pressure levels of heating surface using different pressure levels stream. The temporary system for steam blowing is configured with three blowing valve and one muffle, which could simplify the temporary system and increase the flexibility of the steam blowing operation. The features of different types of temporary system are compared, and some issues during blowing are also analyzed, which could be referenced for the similar units.
North China Electric Power