
奥巴马政府的对非政策为什么少有变化 被引量:3

Why Little Change Is Made to Obama's African Policy
摘要 奥巴马第一任期内对非政策的最大特点是对小布什政府非洲政策的继承而非变革。这种政策表现受到国际国内形势和争取连任的政治考量等因素影响。第二任期的奥巴马有可能在一些对非政策领域"亮剑",使美国对非政策在继承的基础上呈现出一些新的发展趋势与特点。 The chief feature ofObama's African policy during his first term in office was that he inherited George W.Bush's African policy rather than changed it.He did so in consideration of both internal and external situation as well as running for a second term in office.During his second term in office,Obama is likely to make some drastic moves in his African policy,so that there will be new changes in his African policy on the bases of the traditional one.
作者 刘中伟
出处 《亚非纵横》 2013年第4期40-47,60,共8页 ASIA & AFRICA REVIEW
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