
韩国的学前教育政策:现状、问题及其启示 被引量:10

Preschool Education Policy in South Korea Current Status,Issues and its Inspiration
摘要 在特殊的人口结构背景以及经济萧条的社会背景下,韩国政府将学前教育作为大力投资的领域。韩国政府通过不断加大对学前教育的投资、加强保教质量建设、实行学前教育一体化等措施,推动了儿童早期保育和教育事业的健康发展。但目前韩国学前教育政策推行中还存在诸如政府扶持、资助的对象如何选择,政府对保教机构发展干预的限度如何确定等问题。基于中韩两国社会背景的相似性,深入分析韩国学前教育发展现状,可为中国学前教育的发展提供借鉴。 In the special population structure background and the social background of e- conornic depression,South Korean government has made preschool education as the main field to investment. The government has made measures of increasing the invest- ment to preschool education,strengthening the quality construction of children care and education,and implementing the integration of preschool education to promote the healthy development of early childhood care and education in South Korea. However, there are still many problems as how to choose the support and funding object of gov- ernment and how to determine the government's interference limit to the development of children care and education institutions in policy implementation of preschool education. Analysing the current situation of the development of preschool education in South Korea based on the similar social context between China and South Korea can provide reference for the development of preschool education in China, such as strengthening the preschool education legislation,increasing the government investment, dearing notation of the responsibility of "government-led", intensifying the supervision institutions and promoting the integration process of kindergarten. the con- to private
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期51-58,共8页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 全国社会科学基金(教育科学)"十一五"规划2010年度课题<幼儿园教师资格考试制度研究>(项目编号:BHA100049)
关键词 韩国 学前教育政策 政府投入 South Korea preschool education policy government investment
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