
一般攻击模型理论的拓展:群体暴力 被引量:1

Theoretical Extensions to the General Aggression Model : Intergroup Violence
摘要 大多数的攻击理论都试图解释个体间攻击的原因和后果,却留下一个悬而未决的问题,那就是相似的过程是否能解释群体间的暴力行为。DeWall等人率先对一般攻击模型理论(the general aggression model,GAM)进行了有益的扩展和延伸,将其应用于实验室外的攻击形式:群体暴力。根据GAM的基本理论框架,对真实世界中的群体暴力的产生、持续和升级进行了解释,并详细描述了如何干预群体暴力,以达到阻止其发展的目的。由于该理论是一个具有普适性的理论,所以将其应用于具体的群体暴力时存在一定的缺陷。但是这并不妨碍该理论对群体暴力的启示意义和广阔的应用价值。 Most aggression theories attempt to explain the causes and consequences of aggression between individuals, leaving open the question of whether similar processes may be involved in explaining aggres- sion between groups. DeWall et al. firstly applied the general aggression model (GAM) to intergroup vio- lence that occurs outside the laboratory. According to GAM, they explained how intergroup violence be- gins, persists and escalates. And, in order to prevent intergroup violence, GAM still offered a useful framework for understanding how to intervene intergroup violence. Because GAM is an universal theory, there are some deficiencies when applying this GAM to specific intergroup violence, which didn't restrict enlightenment and applying value of GAM.
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期525-529,共5页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(11YJC190010)
关键词 一般攻击模型 暴力 群体暴力 general aggression model violence intergroup violence
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