Sansirou, the first work of the Japanese author Natumesouseki^s three works, is described as one of the best youth novels of Souseki. This novel depicted what the personae, Sansirou,has seen, heard and thought as well as his mind change when he graduated from high school and become an university student of Tokyo University. The novel is not only easy to read, but also full of interest. Furthermore, it directly deployed the mankind significance and secret of humanity. The persona, Sansirou, has always been in erratic depressed life~ and there was a stream of undercurrent push him to shuttle in three totally different worlds, making him bewildered and puzzled. This also represented the youth puzzled in the socie- ty after the innovation of Meiji, thus exposed and battered the then society. The novel has no astonishing parts, but impressing, giving people the ordinary plain beauty.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)