3For discussion, see DArner, Financial Stability, Economic Growth and the Role of Law ( Cambridge University Press, 2007) ; R Weber and D Arner, Toward a New Design for International Financial Regulation (2008), University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law.
4FSB Press release: Financial Stability Board holds inaugural meeting in Basel, at http://www, financialstabilityboard, org/press/pr_ 090627. pdf, Jun. 27, 2009.
8G20 : London Summit - Leaders' Statement, at http ://money. 163. conv/09/0402/23/55UD5JOS002538OL_2, html, Apr. 2, 2009.4访问日期:2010年10月19日.
9FSB Framework for Strengthening Adherence to International Standards, at http://www, financialstabilityboard, org/publications/r100109a.pdf,Jan.1,2010.访问日期:2010年10月19日.
10Financial Stability Forum.Report of the Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience[]..2008