

Bulgakov's “Black Mass”:The Inheritance and Transformation of Goethe's Faust
摘要 布尔加科夫《大师和玛格丽特》中的"黑弥撒"继承了歌德诗剧中的"巫女狂欢会"模式,较之于梅列日科夫斯基、勃留索夫的同类创作,其叙述规模和重要性相比之下更为突出,对传统的继承和改造也更充分。布氏"黑弥撒"是密切联系经典的戏仿之作,展示出其颇富个性的神话诗学;"狂欢会"传统要素几乎都得到采用,但是剔除了淫猥色情成分。作家抑制传统粗俗描写,意在提高魔鬼的精神等级,塑造传统模式所没有的庄重高贵的特性。 Mikhaíl Bulgakov's'black mass'reproduces Goethe's pattern of'Witches'Sabbath'in Faust.Although Dmitry Merezhkovsky and Valery Bryusov have also inherited this pattern,Bulgakov is by far the most prominent writer in terms of Goethe's impact under which the narrative scale is designed and plays an important role.His inheritance and transformation of Goethe's tradition is also the most adequate.His'black mass'is a parody closely linked to the literary canon and manifests rich streaks of a personalized mythopoesis.Nearly all the traditional'carnival'elements are adopted in his work,while erotic elements are removed and rejected.In other words,the author has managed to contain crude and vulgar descriptions,and to achieve an apotheosis of the characters who would otherwise be devilish,thus infusing a noble quality into the traditional mode.
作者 许志强
出处 《外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期69-75,158,共7页 Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科基金后期资助项目<布尔加科夫魔幻叙事传统探析>(11FWW009)
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