
资源型产业的特征、问题及其发展机制 被引量:26

The Characteristics,Problems and Developmental Mechanism of Resource-based Industry
摘要 资源开发与生态环境保护是当前国际经济社会关注的热点问题,也是中国走新型工业化道路必须要解决好的现实问题。资源型产业的稀缺性、可耗竭性、负外部性、高风险性、价格波动性、资产强专用性等特征,使资源型产业在发展中面临环境保护与资源开发、资源产业的超额利润与发展装备制造业、资产强专用性与产业低关联性的矛盾,出现对人力资本的挤出及利益共享机制的缺失等问题。必须厘清资源型产业发展中各相关利益主体行为选择,明确中央政府、地方政府、企业与当地居民四方利益主体在资源型产业发展中的关系,从利益共享、生态价值补偿、资源财富转化、产业结构优化以及民生创新激励等方面构建资源型产业发展的机制,规范资源型产业行为,矫正开发中的外部不经济现象,调整资源型产业收益,建立价值补偿制度,不断优化资源财富的使用结构,加快物质财富向物质资本、人力资本的财富转化,打破资源型产业的锁定效应,延伸产业链条,引导资源型产业优化升级,实现环境保护与经济增长双赢。 Resource development and ecological environment protection is hot issues on international economic and social concern , is also taking a new road to industrialization in china had to solve the real problem. Under the background of environmental regulation, this paper research the characteristic, problem and developmental mechanism of the resource-based industry, and explore ways of the environmental constrains and economic development challenges. The scarcity, exhaustibility, negative externality, high risk price volatility ,strong asset specificity of resource-based industry makes it faced the contradiction between with environmental protection and resource development, excess profits and development equipment manufacturing, assets strong dedicated and industry low associated of contradictions, appears on the problem of human capital of extrusion and interests shared mechanism of missing. To clarify the stakeholders' behavior choice in the development of resource-based industry, clear the main benefit and the relationship of central government, local government, enterprise and local residents in resource-based industry development. From benefit shared, ecological value compensation, resources wealth transformation, industry structure optimization and livelihood innovation incentive, construct developmental mechanism of resource-based industry, regulating the behavior of resource-based industry, correction the phenomenon of negative externalizations, adjustment revenue in resource-based industry, establish value compensation system, continue optimization resources wealth of using structure, accelerate material wealth to material capital, and human capital of wealth transformation, break resource-based industry of lock effect, extends the industrial chain, guide the optimization and upgrading of resource-based industry to realize environmental protection and economic growth of a win-win situation.
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期100-106,共7页 Academic Monthly
基金 教育部人文社科研究规划基金项目"产业集聚的技术溢出效应研究--以国家高新技术产业开发区为例"(11XJA790004) 陕西省自然科学基金项目"环境规制与资源型产业发展研究--以榆林煤炭产业为例"(2012JM9002)的阶段性成果
关键词 资源 环境规制 产业 resource, environment regulation, industry
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