

Research on the Development of STS Intervention Strategy Under the Context of Normative Turn
摘要 介入策略使STS获得了进入科学活动"现实之轨"的能力,而不再是外在于科学世界,从而在文献分析、理论建构等传统方法之外获得了一种研究科学活动的新方法。随着STS的规范转向,STS介入策略被赋予新的内含——"社会行动力"概念被引入。规范转向与境下STS介入策略的场域参与范围、社会期望、角色扮演、介入模式等均发生了较大的变化,同时也面临"认同不足"等新挑战,文章分析了这些挑战产生的原因,并对STS介入策略的未来发展路径进行了展望。 Intervention strategy makes STS have the ability to enter the scientific world rather than outside it, furthermore makes STS gain a new method to research the scientific world besides literature analysis and theory construction. With the normative turn of STS, a new concept "social mobility" was introduced within STS intervention strategy. Under the context of normative turn, the scope of participation , social expectation, rote-playing and intervention mode of STS intervention change a lot, at the same time it also faces new challenges such as "lack of recognition". The paper analyze the causes of these challenges and outlook the future development paths of STS intervention.
作者 王彦雨
出处 《科学.经济.社会》 CSSCI 2013年第2期40-44,共5页 Science Economy Society
关键词 介入策略 规范转向 社会行动力 路径选择 intervention normative turn social mobility path selection
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