
胰岛素及其类似物在我院门诊2型糖尿病患者中的使用情况分析 被引量:4

Analysis of the Utilization of Insulin and Insulin Analogs in Outpatients with Type 2 Diabetes in Our Hospital
摘要 目的:促进胰岛素及其类似物在临床的合理使用。方法:回顾性抽取某院2012年9月1-3日门诊834张诊断为2型糖尿病、并开具有降糖药物的处方,对处方中胰岛素及其类似物的使用率、药物在各个治疗方案中的选择情况等进行统计分析。结果:胰岛素及其类似物的总使用率为27.34%,其中长效胰岛素类似物占67.54%,预混以及超短效胰岛素类似物各占14.91%,短效胰岛素仅占2.63%。长效胰岛素类似物在各类治疗方案中均占优势,预混以及超短效胰岛素类似物主要用于单药以及二联治疗方案。结论:该院胰岛素及其类似物的总使用率偏低,长效及超短效胰岛素类似物相比人胰岛素能更好地模拟生理性胰岛素分泌,因此在我院应用较多。 OBJECTIVE: To promote rational use of the utilization of insulin and insulin analogs in clinical. METHODS: 834 prescriptions of type 2 diabetes and antidiabetic drugs were collected from our hospital retrospectively during Sept. lst-3rd in 2012. The utilization ratio of insulin and insulin analogs, drug selection were analyzed statistically. RESULTS: Total utilization ratio of in- sulin and insulin analogs were 27.54%, among which long-acting insulin analogs accounted for 67.54%, premixed insulin and rap- id-acting insulin analogs accounted for 14.91% and rapid-acting insulin accounted for 2.63%. Long-acting insulin analogs were in a dominant position in all the treatments. Premixed and rapid-acting insulin analogs were mostly used in monotherapy and dual combi- nation therapy. CONCLUSIONS: The utilization ratio of insulin and insulin analogs is on the low side totally in our hospital; long-acting and rapid-acting insulin analogs can imitate physical insulin secretion better, and thus are widely used in the clinic.
出处 《中国药房》 CAS CSCD 2013年第28期2672-2673,共2页 China Pharmacy
关键词 2型糖尿病 门诊 胰岛素及其类似物 处方分析 Type 2 diabetes Outpatient Insulin and insulin analogs Analysis of prescription
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