

ATMS:autonomous trust-management system
摘要 信任管理技术基于授权凭证签发、通过分布式凭证搜索验证信任关系链,有效实现了开放环境下的分布式授权和访问控制过程。然而,由于开放式环境下信任网络的复杂性和动态性,传统的信任管理系统在凭证搜索、凭证链的建立方面效率不高。针对这一问题,提出了一种自治化的信任管理系统,通过引入权限路由表的概念,使得凭证链建立的过程中,凭证的搜索能够始终导向权限请求的客体。在信任网络比较复杂,权限请求频繁的情况下,自治化的信任管理系统能够提高凭证搜索和凭证链建立的效率。 Trust Management implements the authorization procedure and access control decision in an open network environ- ment according to the credential issuing and the chain discovery algorithms. However, because of the complexity and dynamic of the trust network, the traditional trust-management system results in a low efficiency in credential discovery. To address the shortage, this paper proposes an autonomous trust-management system which introduces the concept of authority routing table. The system makes sure the direction of the search guides directly to the requester while finding the credential chain. While the trust network is complex and the right request happens frequently, the autonomous trust-management system can reduce the search cost and improve the efficiency in credential discovery.
作者 施文波 曹春
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2013年第14期45-50,共6页 Computer Engineering and Applications
基金 国家重点基础研究发展规划(973)(No.2009CB320702) 国家自然科学基金(No.60973044) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863)(No.2012AA011205)
关键词 信任管理 自治化 权限路由表 凭证链 信任域 trust-management autonomous authority routing table credential chain trust area
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