结合实际应用 ,以日本松下电工的 C5 6型 PL C为例叙述了定时器的种类 ;定时器的串联、定时器与计数器组合、特殊内部继电器与计数器组合 3种不同的扩展方法 ;常用的定时器瞬时接通延时断开电路、延时接通 /断开电路、声光报警电路、方波发生电路 ,并给出了实用的梯形图、相应的时序图 .程序均已在 C5 6型 PL C机上机通过 ,并做了模拟实验 ,均无误 ,可直接使用 .
This paper describes:1)the types of pro gr ammable control's timers;2)three kinds of expanding methods for series of timers ,composition of a timer and a counter and composition of a special internal rela y and a counter;3)the conventional circuits of timers for instantaneously turnin g on and delaying in turning off,delaying in turning on and off,warning in sound and light,square ware producing the practical ladder diagram and their corespon ding sequence diagram.Every program in this paper has been checked in C56 PLC,an d can be used directly.
Journal of Liaoning Normal University:Natural Science Edition