
3岁前自闭症婴幼儿诊断研究对DSM-5编订的影响 被引量:6

The Effect of the Research into the Diagnosis of Infants and Toddlers with Autism on the Revision of DSM-5
摘要 DSM-5将自闭症诊断标准重新修订,在类别、名称、障碍程度、三联症领域、社会性与感知觉内容、诊断年龄等方面作了调整。此次修订受到了近十几年来三岁以下自闭症婴幼儿早期诊断研究的影响。三岁前自闭症婴幼儿早期诊断研究经历了光谱障碍研究、危险信号行为研究、筛查与诊断量表的修订与开发三个阶段,每个阶段的研究成果,均落实到DSM-5有关自闭症的诊断标准中,对未来自闭症的早期诊断极具价值。 DSM - 5, the fifth edition of the American Psychiatric Association' s (APA) Diagnostic and Statis-tical Manual of Mental Disorders, revised the diagnostic criteria for children with autism in terms of labeling, names, the degree of disorder, the triadic symptoms, social interactions, sensation, perception, and age diagnosis. This revision was influenced by the research into early diagnosis of infants and toddlers with autism over the past decade, which had undergone such stages as the research into autism spectrum disorders, the research into warning signs of behavior, and the research into the revision and development of screening and diagnostic instruments. The research results in each of the stages, practiced in the diagnostic criteria for children with autism contained in DSM- 5, will be of great value to the early diagnosis of children with autism.
出处 《中国特殊教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第7期35-41,共7页 Chinese Journal of Special Education
关键词 自闭症婴幼儿 早期诊断 DSM-5危险信号行为 infants and toddlers with autism early diagnosis DSM- 5 warning signs of behavior
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