
滑石粉在水处理中的应用研究进展 被引量:8

Progresses of the Application of Talcum Powder in Water Treatment
摘要 滑石是一种具有特殊层状结构的镁质硅酸盐,其化学性能稳定,具有独特的孔结构和较大的比表面积,在造纸、涂料、汽车制造等各个领域得到广泛应用。粉末状滑石具有亲油疏水性和优异的吸附性,且储量丰富,成本低廉,近年来,滑石粉成功应用到污水治理领域,已有将其作为混凝剂、助凝剂、助滤剂、吸附剂、吸油剂的相关研究。介绍了滑石的理化性质,综述了近年来国内外滑石粉应用于造纸废水、含油废水、染料废水、芳香族有机废水及重金属离子废水的研究现状,总结了滑石粉在水处理中的改性方法,评价了滑石粉应用在各种废水处理中的优缺点,并对今后滑石粉在水处理中需要开展的工作提出建议。 Talc is a kind of magnesium silicate,which have stable chemical property,a large surface area with special layered structure,and unique pore-structure.It has been wildly used in various fields including papermaking,coating,automotive industry and so on.In recent years,talcum powder has been successfully applied to sewage treatment because of its lipophilic-hydrophobic property,excellent adsorption property,rich reserves and low cost.There are relevant researches that the talcum powder has been used as a coagulant,coagulant aid,filter aid,adsorbent or oil absorbent.The physical and chemical properties of talc were introduced in this paper.Then the newest research on talcum powder used in papermaking wastewater,oily wastewater,dye wastewater,aromatic organic wastewater and heavy metal ions wastewater were reviewed.Meanwhile the modification methods of talcum powder in water treatment were summarized.And the advantages and disadvantages on the talcum powder used in treatment of various wastewaters were evaluated.Finally,some suggestions are provided for the relevant research and the developments,which are expected in the future.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第21期69-73,共5页 Science & Technology Review
基金 辽宁省人民政府资源保护办公室项目(HSXF-2012-05)
关键词 滑石粉 造纸废水 含油废水 染料废水 芳香族有机废水 重金属离子废水 talcum powder papermaking wastewater oily wastewater dye wastewater aromatic organic wastewater heavy metal ions wastewater
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