
精益建设理论及运用障碍研究 被引量:7

Research on Lean Construction Theory and Application Obstacles
摘要 精益理念起源发展于制造业,但由于其所实现的超高的生产率而引起人们的关注并被逐渐引入建筑业。鉴于建筑业有别于制造业的发展背景和情况,通过梳理精益建设的基本理论体系,探索精益建设与传统建设存在的差异,以及利用三维视角来阐述将制造业技术(例如准时制)直接运用到建筑业存在的困难,从组织、个体和环境3个因素分析了当前精益建设发展面临的障碍,并提出了精益建设的应用建议。 Lean thinking deriveS from the concept of continuous flow which was put forward by the United States Ford,and subsequently it was introduced into the Toyota company,and continued to be improved which was known as the "Toyota Way".Although the Lean thinking derives from the manufacturing industry,the high productivity it brings attracts researchers and it is introduced into construction industry.Given the background and circumstances of the construction industry which is different from that of the manufacturing industry,lean construction forms a set of basic theoretical system,and can bring substantial gains.There are significant differences between lean construction and traditional construction,meanwhile there are difficulties to apply manufacturing technologies(such as just-in-time)directly to the construction industry,and lean construction is still facing challenges.
出处 《工程管理学报》 2013年第3期13-17,共5页 Journal of Engineering Management
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金预研类项目(1200219168)
关键词 建筑业 精益理念 精益建设 construction industry lean thinking lean construction
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