
喀斯特石漠化山区苔藓多样性及水土保持研究 被引量:31

Bryophyte Diversity and the Effect of Soil Formation along with Water Conservation in Karst Rocky Desertification Region
摘要 喀斯特石漠化已成为制约我国西南地区可持续发展的重要生态环境问题.以云南芝云洞山区苔藓植物为研究对象,于2012年1月进行调查和样地设置,共采集样品75份,采用经典形态分类法进行鉴定,分析苔藓多样性及其对水土保持的贡献.结果表明:苔藓植物有11科25属53种;苔藓植物种数为无石漠化区(34)>轻度石漠化区(14)>中度石漠化区(12)>强度石漠化区(7),丰富度指数也为无石漠化区(2.874 8)>轻度石漠化区(0.194 1)>中度石漠化区(-1.176 7)>强度石漠化区(-1.892 3).石漠化区苔藓植物相似性指数相差较小,其中强度石漠化区与中度石漠化区的相似性指数为0.375 0,强度石漠化区与轻度石漠化区为0.307 7,中度石漠化区与轻度石漠化区为0.384 6;而石漠化区与无石漠化区相似性指数相差较大,其中无石漠化区与强度和轻度石漠化区的相似性指数分别为0.071 4和0.095 2.强度、中度和轻度石漠化区与无石漠化区均匀度指数分别为0.590 0、0.513 3、0.489 9和0.610 7.6种优势苔藓植物(长叶纽藓、卷叶湿地藓、东亚小石藓、黑扭口藓、卵叶青藓和狭叶湿地藓)的生物量、成土量和饱和吸水量分别在0.962~9.546、1.294~40.181、8.890~82.571 gm2之间,表明可以将苔藓植物作为该类地区的先锋植物. Karst rocky desertification is an important ecological and environmental problem restricting the sustainable development in the southwest of China. To address this issue, investigations and sampling sets of bryophytes were carried out in Zhiyundong mountain area of Yunnan Province, in January 2012. Totally 75 samples were collected, and the morphological classification method was applied to identify species. The results showed that there were 11 families, 25 genera and 53 species of bryophytes. The decreasing order of richness and species of bryophytes were : no rocky desertification area (number of species : 34, richness index: 2. 8748) 〉 mild rocky desertification area ( number of species : 14, richness index : 0. 1941 ) 〉 moderate rocky desertification area ( number of species: 12, richness index: - 1. 1767 ) 〉 serious rocky desertification area ( number of species : 7, richness index : - 1. 8923 ) ; the difference of species coefficient in rocky desertification area were small: 0. 3750 (serious rocky desertification areas with moderate rocky desertification area), 0. 3077 (the serious rocky desertification area with mild rocky desertifieation area ), 0. 3846 (moderate rocky desertification area with mild desertification area) ; the difference of species similarity coefficient in rocky desertification area and no rocky desertification area were larger: 0.0714 ( the serious rocky area with no rocky desertification area) and 0. 0952 ( mild rocky desertification area with no rocky desertification area) ; the evenness of four rocky desertification areas were steady: 0. 5900, O. 5133,0.4899 and 0. 6107, respectively; The ranges of biomass, soil quantity and saturated water adsorption rate of the six dominant bryophytes (Tortella tortuosa (Hedw.) Limpr. , Hyophila involuta (Hook.) Jaeg. , Weissia exserta ( Broth. P. C. Chen ), Didymodon nigrescens ( Mitt. ) K. Saito, Brachythecium rutabulum ( Hedw. ) B. S. G. and Trichostomum platyphyllum (Broth. ex Iisiba) P. C. Chen) in karst rocky desertification areas were: 0. 962 g/m2 to 9. 545 g/m2 , 1. 294 g/m2 to 40. 181 g/m2 , and 8. 890 g/m2 to 82. 508 g/m2 , respectively. Therefore, the results indicated that the bryophytes could be the pioneer plants in karst rocky desertification area.
出处 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期759-764,共6页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31160042) 贵州省国际科技合作项目(黔科合外G字2013-7016号)
关键词 喀斯特石漠化 芝云洞山区 苔藓植物 丰富度指数 相似性指数 水土保持 karst rocky desertification Zhiyundong mountain area bryophytes richness index similarity coefficient soil and waterconservation
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