
国际温室气体减排方案及其公平性研究——基于罗尔斯正义论的视角 被引量:10

International Greenhouse Gas Emission Abatement Programs and Their Fairness from the Perspective of Rawls’Theory of Justice
摘要 现阶段全球气候谈判的重点是制定国际社会公认的公平且兼具可操作性的减排方案,而碳排放权分配是任何减排方案的核心内容。由于文化背景和国家利益不同,不同国家研究机构和学者提出的碳排放权分配方案在公平性、可行性及其对不同国家未来发展权益的影响也不尽相同。本文基于罗尔斯正义论视角解读最具代表性的碳排放权分配方案所蕴含的"公平"涵义及其对不同国家未来发展权益和代际公平的影响。研究表明,相对于发达国家研究机构和学者提出的减排方案,发展中国家研究机构和学者提出减排方案更加符合正义论的要求和原则,能充分维护发展中国家的合法权益。在代际公平方面,对贴现率选择的差异反映出不同经济学家在价值观念和协调减排当前成本与未来收益问题上的不同理解。文章最后指出,我国学者应该加强在气候变化尤其是碳排放权分配领域的研究,为我国实施节能减排战略和参与国际气候谈判提供科学的政策建议与坚实的理论基础。 The focus of global climate negotiations has been to reach agreement on greenhouse gas emission abatement programs that meet the requirements of fairness and operability.However,the solutions put forward by think tanks and academics are often at odds because of different cultural and national backgrounds.In order to safeguard China’s national interests in international climate negotiations,it is crucial to clarify the meaning of‘fairness’in these solutions and their impact on the rights and interests of different countries.From the perspective of Rawls’s Theory of Justice,we analyzed the meaning of fairness and justice in different abatement programs and their influence on different countries and inter-generational equity.Compared with programs proposed by think tanks and scholars from developed countries,the programs proposed by research institutions and scholars from developing countries are more in line with the requirements and principles of Rawls’s Theory of Justice and can fully safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.Among these solutions,the Global Carbon Budget program is more likely to be accepted by both developed and developing countries,for it has a solid theoretical foundation,flexible mechanism and can meet the requirements of carbon emission rights allocation mechanism in terms of "fairness" and "efficiency".We conclude by suggesting that Chinese scholars strengthen research on climate change and carbon emission rights,to provide scientific policy suggestions and a solid theoretical foundation for domestic implementation of energy conservation and emissions abatement and for China’s participation in international climate negotiations.
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期1430-1437,共8页 Resources Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目:"我国企业社会责任履责不足的诱因及其激励机制研究"(编号:71172184) 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目:"我国产业资本与金融资本有效融合的理论 模式 绩效与管制研究"(编号:NCET-08-0450) 西安交通大学中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目:"我国碳排放的区域差异特性与减排协调机制研究"(编号:skzd11018)
关键词 发展权益 公平正义 温室气体减排方案 正义论 Development rights Fairness and justice Greenhouse gas emission abatement programs Theory of Justice
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