研究揭示,Dell Hymes建构交谈民族志并推进其社会语言学方向的发展,其学术思想基础和理论动力都应该是源于"功能主义语言理论"的。以此为设定,首先阐释了"功能主义语言理论"的内涵,接着探讨了Hymes功能主义言语思想的来源。Hymes站在人类学的立场对Jakobson语言功能理论的局限性做出了重要的补充,进而形成了自己的言语功能理论。最后对Hymes言语功能论的人类学理据和进化论方法进行了分析和评述。
It is revealed that functionalist theories of language are believed to be the ideological base and the theo- retical motives to the establishment of the framework of Ethnography of Speaking and to its development toward so- ciolinguistics. With such an assumption, this article first explores the functionalist theories of language, which are taken as the source of Dell Hymes" functionalist view of speech. It is pointed out that, with a foot of anthropology, Dell Hymes made a critical complement to the functionalist theory of language by R. Jakobson, hence formationing his own functionalist theory of speech. The article also analyses and evaluates the evolutionary methodology by Hymes for the practice of his theory of speech.
Journal of Yantai University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition)