
2012年1株南美洲输入登革1型病毒的基因组特征(英文) 被引量:1

Genomic characterization of a dengue-1virus originated from South America , 2012
摘要 目的分析2012年1株从南美洲输入登革1型病毒的基因组特征,探索登革病毒的传播规律。方法测定DF1203毒株的全长基因组序列,分析该毒株与97株南美洲登革1型毒株的遗传联系,同时比较该毒株与全球最相似毒株的遗传联系。结果 DF1203毒株的基因组全长10 735个核苷酸,编码区全长10 179个核苷酸。种系发生分析显示,该毒株与南美洲登革1型毒株存在一定差异,BLAST分析表明DF1203与东南亚毒株存在密切遗传联系,尤其与近年柬埔寨毒株在种系发生树上处于同一分支。结论虽然DF1203的患者来自南美洲苏里南,毒株遗传背景分析却显示与东南亚毒株存在亲密遗传关系。由此表明连续有效的登革病毒监测,尤其是检测分离株的部分或全部基因组序列,对于研究登革病毒传播路径、遗传进化,具有重要意义。 During the past decade, dozens of imported dengue fever cases have been annually notified in Fujian Province, China, most infections are associated with travel histories in Southeast Asia. In this study, one dengue-1 strain was isolated from a Chinese patient returned from Suriname recently, the full-length viral genome was sequenced, hence, its genetic characterization was analyzed. It was indicated from phylogenetic analysis that this strain was distinct from current South American strains available, while BLAST analysis revealed high homology with strains circulating in Southeast Asia. Therefore, it is highlighted that continuous surveillance for circulating dengue viruses, especially with partial or complete genome sequences, would facilitate in tracking viral transmission routes and monitoring ongoing mieroevolution in dengue strains worldwide.
出处 《中国人兽共患病学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期665-670,共6页 Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
基金 Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(No.2011J01126) the Innovative Projects in Medical Sciences of Fujian Province(No.2012-CXB-13)~~
关键词 登革病毒 基因组序列 种系发生分析 dengue virus genome sequence phylogenetic analysis
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