对采自河北省的 1 0 0余号提灯藓科植物标本的研究鉴定 ,整理出河北省提灯藓科植物 4属 1 6种 .其中有中国新记录 1种 :纤细毛灯藓 ( Rhizomnium gracile T.Kop.) ;河北省新记录属 1属 :毛灯藓属 Rhizomnium( Broth.) T.Kop.;新记录种 2种 :疣灯藓 Trachycystismicrophylla( Doz.et Molk.) Lindb.和长齿匍灯藓 Plagiomni-um drummondii( Bruch et Schimp.) T.Kop..作者根据标本编制了河北省提灯藓科植物分属、分种检索表 ,并指出了每种的生境和地理分布特点 .
A preliminary study of the family Mniaceae of Hebei Province,China.Authors have studied more than 100 specimens of the family,which have been collected from Hebei in the recent years.There are 4 genus and 16 species reported in this paper.Among them, R.gracile T.Kop.,is new to China; Rhizomnium (Broth.)T.Kop.and two species: T.microphylla (Doz.et Molk.)Lindb.and P.drummondii (Bruch et Schimp.)T.Kop.are first reported in Hebei.According to the specimens,the keys to genus and species are given.The characteristics of the habitate and distribution of every species are also included.The studied specimens are deposited in the herbarium of College of Life Science,Hebei Normal University(HBNU).
Journal of Hebei Normal University:Natural Science
河北省自然科学基金资助项目!( 3 96176)