

Influence of synthetic time and temperature on hardness and abrasion ratio of polycrystalline diamond(PCD)
摘要 借用六面顶金刚石压机,以粒度为5μm的金刚石微粉为原材料、Co为黏结剂,在不同的合成时间和温度参数下得到金刚石聚晶(PCD),测其显微硬度和磨耗比。研究发现:PCD的磨耗比、维氏硬度等均随烧结时间的增长先增加后降低,在烧结时间为180 s时达到最大;PCD的磨耗比、维氏硬度等均随烧结温度的升高先变大后减小,在烧结温度为1 550℃时达到最大,烧结温度过低,金刚石晶粒棱角分明,晶粒间隙较大,而烧结温度过高,晶粒发生异常生长。通过对PCD试样的显微形貌和微观结构观察,分析了PCD试样出现显微硬度和磨耗比差异的原因。 The polycrystalline diamond(PCD)was prepared with particle size of 5 μm diamond fine powder as raw materials and Co as adhesive by the cubic diamond press under different synthetic time and temperature. The microhardness and abrasion ratio were measured. The results show that the abrasion ratio and Vickers hardness of PCD first increase,then decrease with the increase of sintering time,and reach the maximum at the sintering time for 180 s. The abrasion ratio and Vickers hardness of PCD also increase at first,then decrease with the increase of sintering temperature,and reach the maximum at the sintering temperature of 1 550 ℃ . When sintering temperature is too low,the diamond grain becomes sharp ? featured with big grain clearance,and when the sintering temperature is too high,the grain will grow abnormally. The reason why PCD sample appears different microhardness and abrasion ratio was analyzed by microstructure observation.
作者 王中
出处 《兵器材料科学与工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期60-65,共6页 Ordnance Material Science and Engineering
基金 湖北省教育厅重点科研项目(2008B23)
关键词 聚晶金刚石 合成时间 合成温度 磨耗比 PCD synthetic time synthetic temperature abrasion ratio
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