

Establishment of A Lymphoma Cell Line with Stable Expression of DLC-1 by Gene Transfection
摘要 目的建立稳定表达肝癌缺失基因-1(DLC-1)的淋巴瘤细胞株。方法将DLC-1真核表达质粒转染人淋巴瘤细胞株Raji,G418筛选,对获得的Raji细胞株进行Western blot鉴定。结果酶切和测序鉴定DLC-1的cDNA片段正确插入pcDNA3.1质粒,Western blot鉴定转染后Raji细胞株DLC-1高表达。结论成功建立了稳定高表达DLC-1的淋巴瘤细胞株。 Objective To establish a human lymphoma cell line that stably expresses deleted in human liver cancer - 1 gene( DLC - 1 ). Methods The reeonstructed plasmid,pcDNA3.1 - DLC - 1 ,was transfected to the human lymphoma cell line of Raji. Then the transfected Raji cells were selected by G418. The stable overexpression of DLC - 1 was identified by Western blot assay. Results The recombined plasmid, peDNA3.1 - DLC - 1, was confirmed by restriction endonuclease examination and sequencing. Western - blot showed that DLC - 1 protein expression was increased in the transfected Raji cells. Conclusion A human lymphoma cell line with stable expres- sion of DLC - 1 is established.
出处 《医学研究杂志》 2013年第7期61-63,共3页 Journal of Medical Research
基金 上海市卫生局科研基金资助项目(2010079) 浙江省教育厅科研基金资助项目(Y200804608)
关键词 肝癌缺失基因-1 稳定转染细胞 淋巴瘤 Deleted in human liver cancer - 1 gene Stable transfected cell line Lymphoma
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