

The Diagnostical Value of CTA for Foreign Bodies in Head and Neck Trauma
摘要 目的:探讨CTA在头颈部创伤性异物中的诊断价值。材料和方法:搜集创伤性异物行头颈部CTA检查病例5例,均有完整的手术资料,分析其诊断价值。结果:5例CTA清晰显示异物位置及血管关系,无血管损伤。1例术前发现异物周围软组织肿胀伴出血,其余4例软组织散在积气。术中异物取出顺利,均无大出血,3例局部少许渗血。异物均为金属,2例斑片状,1例新月形,1例铁丝状,1例刀状。结论:CTA在头颈部创伤性异物中的诊断价值明确,能提供异物与血管关系及血管损伤信息,指导临床手术。 Objective: To investigate the diagnostically value of CTA for foreign bodies in the head and neck trauma. Materials and Methods: 5 cases who underwent CTA with foreign bodies in head and neck trauma and all proved by operation, were retrospectively analyzed the diagnostically value. Results: 5 cases were clearly displayed the location of foreign bodies and the connection with vas, without blood vessel trauma. 1 case was found that parenchyma was swelled with bleeding around the foreign body. The rest 4 cases were found that parenchyma was accumulated the gas. 5 cases foreign bodies extraction were triumphant without massive hemorrhage. However, 3 cases were little bleeding around. The 5 foreign bodies all were metal. 2 cases were speckle, 1 case was lunular, 1 case was wiriness, and 1 case was cult rated. Conclusion: The CTA has a significant value to diagnose foreign bodies in head and neck trauma. It can give surgeons very important information about the connection foreign bodies with vas and blood vessel trauma to guide operation.
作者 王强 洪居陆
出处 《CT理论与应用研究(中英文)》 2013年第3期479-484,共6页 Computerized Tomography Theory and Applications
关键词 异物 CT血管造影术 创伤 头颈部 foreign bodies computerized tomographic angiography trauma head and neck
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