
中美中东政策比较——理念、政策与贡献 被引量:1

A Comparison of China-US Middle East Policy——Philosophy, Policy, and Contribution
摘要 中美正致力于"建立长期稳定健康发展的新型大国关系",但其政策理念、手段和收效都存在较大差异,尤为明显地体现在双方的中东政策上。具体而言,美国既将西方式民主自由价值观念作为其中东外交的终极目标,亦将推广西方式民主自由作为其解决中东问题和谋求地缘政治利益的手段。中国以和平与和谐世界理念作为其中东政策的指导思想,将和平视为目标,将对话和谈判等和平方式视为解决问题的手段。这种基本政策理念的分歧在双方具体的中东政策中的表现相当明显,特别是在颇受国际社会关注的伊朗核问题和"阿拉伯之春"的应对上。总体而言,美国的政策理念和方法的消极影响远大于积极贡献,而中国以和平与和谐理念为指引的中东政策有着特殊的积极贡献,一方面防止了中东地区安全形势的进一步恶化,另一方面也有利于中东国家的外交独立和地区地缘政治多极化发展。鉴于中美实力对比的巨大差距,中国仍需作重大战略努力以推广其和平与和谐理念。 China and the US are currently working to build a new model of relations between major-powers featuring sustainable,stable and healthy development.But the concepts on which their policies are based,the measures they employ in implementing their policies and the effects of their policies are significantly different,which are particularly evident in their Middle East policies.To be more specific,the US enshrines western values of democracy and liberty as the ultimate goal of its Middle East policy,the instruments in addressing the regional problems and means to expand geopolitical interests as well.China has the concepts of peace and harmony as guiding principles of its Middle East policy,and regards peace as the goal and the peaceful means like dialogue and negotiation as the means to address the regional problems.The differences are obvious in their Middle East policies,and are especially reflected in their positions regarding the Iran nuclear and 'Arab Spring' issues.Generally speaking,the concepts and means of the US have produced negative impacts rather than positive contributions,and even have become part of the problems instead of solutions.China's Middle East policy under the guidance of the concepts of peace and harmony has prevented the regional security situation from worsening,and has served to safeguard the independent approaches of regional countries and facilitate the multi-polarization of regional geopolitics.China's Middle East policy has delivered positive effects.China will have to invest more strategic efforts to promote its concepts of peace and harmony so as to safeguard peace and stability in the region.
作者 金良祥
出处 《国际展望》 2013年第4期68-81,141,共14页 Global Review
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