近年来,随着钦州市经济的快速发展,城市建设用地的需求量不断增加。为了更好的研究经济发展与建设用地需求之间的关系,运用压力—状态—响应(P-S-R)模型,从人口增长与社会固定资产投资增加的角度来分析城镇建设用地扩张的压力机制,构建建设用地需求模型,预测钦州市2020年建设用地增量为2097.57 hm2。从而控制钦州市城市规划的合理发展。
In recent years, with the rapid economic development of Qinzhou City, the demand of urban construction land in- creased. In order to study the relationship between the economic development and the demand for construction land better, the pressure - state - response (PSR) model is used, the pressure mechanism of urban construction land expansion is analysed in terms of population growth and increased investment in fixed assets, building construction land demand model to predict land for construction of Qinzhou City in 2020 in increments of 2097.57 hm2. Thus, control Qinzhou rational development of urban planning.
Journal of Qinzhou University