
当今世界两种图书价格制度比较研究 被引量:3

A Contrastive Study of Two Book Price Systems in Modern World
摘要 选择何种图书价格制度,主要由各国国情和出版市场发展的实际需要决定。整体而言,实施图书自由价格制度的国家,大多以市场经济价值观和新自由主义(Neo-liberalism)的经济政策为理论依据和逻辑出发点,将出版业视同一般的经济产业,鼓励出版市场自由竞争;而坚持图书固定价格制度的国家,多奉行"文化例外论"理念,强调出版业的文化特性,对出版等文化行业实行较多的保护政策。中国出版业的固定价格体系业已成为一种名义上的固定价格体系,但中国现阶段的宏观经济环境与出版产业市场环境,决定了中国仍需坚持图书固定价格(限价)制度,并对这一制度进行全方位的细化、完善。 Which book price system is to choose is mainly decided by the national condition and the actual needs of publishing markets.Generally speaking,the countries implementing free book price system mostly take the values of market economy and the Neo-liberalism economic policy as the theory basis and logical starting point,and these countries regard the publishing industry as the ordinary economical industry to encourage the free competition among the publishing markets;While countries persisting in the fixed book price system mostly carry out the ideas of "Culture Exceptionalism"and emphasize the cultural characteristics of the publishing industry,and implement many protection policies for the cultural industries such as publishing.The fixed price system of China’s publishing industry has become a nominal fixed price system,but China’s current macroeconomic environment and the publishing market environment has decided that China should still persist in the fixed book price(the price limitation) system and carry on the full refinement and consummation to this system.
作者 吴赟
出处 《山东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第4期85-91,共7页 Journal of Shandong University of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社科基金项目"新媒体环境下阅读行为嬗变与国民阅读素养提升策略研究"(12CTQ015) 浙江省社科规划"之江青年学者"课题"数字出版传媒的经济规律与创新模式研究"(11ZJQN050YB) 国家新闻出版总署2012年重点科研项目"图书价格管理制度研究"(C-8-1) 浙江大学数字未来与媒介社会研究院2011年资助项目的成果之一
关键词 出版业 图书价格 价格制度 转售价格维持 publishing industry book price price system Resale Price Maintenance
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