Inclusive education, as a trend of thought in the world, began in 1990s, the researches in recent years expanded from special education to inclusive of all types of education at all lev- els. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INCLUSIVE EDUCA- TION is one of the most authoritative journals that devoted to In- clusive Education. To seize the latest trend of the research topic and research methods of Inclusive Education and provide a ref- erence for further research, 150 articles from this journal during 2011 and 2012 are analyzed by content analysis. Analysis re- vealed that the research topics, in the past two years, are most likely to focus on education and management personnel, the re-thinking of the concept. Besides, space and environment have become the new interest for many researchers. For the methods that used in these articles, culture research, which reveals the essence of inclusive education, has become the main method.
Journal of Science and Education
"International Journal of Inclusive Education"
Inclusive Education
research topics
research methods