
A New Approximation to the Jacobian Logarithm Suitable for MAP Decoding in BICM-ID

A New Approximation to the Jacobian Logarithm Suitable for MAP Decoding in BICM-ID
摘要 In this paper, a new method to approximate the compensation term in the Jacobian logarithm used by the MAP decoder is proposed. Using the proposed approximation, the complex functions In(.) and exp(.) in the Exact-log-MAP algorithm can be estimated with high accuracy and lower computational complexity. The efficacy of the proposed approximation is investigated and demonstrated by applying it to iteratively decoded BICM (Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation).
出处 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第5期241-244,共4页 计算机技术与应用(英文版)
关键词 LOG-MAP Bahl-Cocke-Jelinek-Raviv (BCJR) algorithm max FUNCTION Jacobian logarithm correction (compensation)term (function) BICM-ID (Bit Interleaved Coded Modulation with Iterative Decoding). MAP译码 雅可比 对数 比特交织编码调制 MAP算法 使用期限 迭代解码 解码器
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