
雌激素在梗阻性肾脏疾病中的保护作用 被引量:1

Protective effect of estrogen on urolithiasis and obstructive nephropathy
摘要 泌尿系结石发病率男性显著高于女性,而绝经后女性泌尿系结石发病率显著升高,且以泌尿系结石为主要原因的梗阻性肾脏疾病在绝经后女性中的发病率显著升高。越来越多证据表明,雌激素与梗阻性肾病的进展密切相关。现通过阐述梗阻性肾病发病机制及雌激素与其关系,综述雌激素对梗阻性肾病的保护作用。 Incidence of urotithiasis in males was significantly higher than women, while it significantly increased among postmenopausal women, and the incidence of obstructive nephropathy caused mainly by urolithiasis also significantly increased in postmenopausal women. More and more evidence showed that estrogen is closely related to the progression of obstructive nephropathy. The passage discussed the pathogenesis of obstructive nephropathy and its relationship with estrogen to review the protective effect of estrogen on them.
出处 《临床泌尿外科杂志》 2013年第7期555-558,共4页 Journal of Clinical Urology
关键词 梗阻性肾病 雌激素 泌尿系结石 obstructive nephropathy estrogen urolithiasis
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