Objective: To investigate the imaging findings of chest wall tuberculosis (TB),in order to improve the knowledge of the disease. Methods:CT, uhrasonography and radiographic findings as well as the clinical manifestations of 29 patients with pathologically proved chest wall tuberculosis were retrospectively analyzed. Multi-slice (16-slice, 64-slice) CT without or with contrast enhanced scanning and post processing were performed. Results: The main clinical manifestations were fever, local pain and swelling. The main CT findings included : ① bony destruction,including rib (n =8), costal cartilage (n =3) ,sternum (n=3) and scapula (n=1),showingmousebitten erosion (n =2) or expansive bone destruction (n =12); ②chest wall cold abscess (n =10) ,showed as plate-like or fusiform cystic lesion,which located anterior/posterior to ster-num or ribs,or behind the mammary gland;③soft tissue thickening,lumps and calcification of chest wall (n=4) ;@ extra pleural mass of the chest wall (n=2). The other findings included mediastinal calcifications ( n = 3), lesions in pulmonary (n= 16),liver (n=1) and abddominal wall (n=2). Most of the lesions (n=15) located at anterior chest wall,1. 0cm× 2.0cm-8.5cm×4.3cm in size,well or ill-defined margin,with ring like enhancement and well circumscribed inner surface after contrast administration. The thickened chest wall showed mild to moderate heterogeneous enhancement. Only bone de- struction could be seen on radiography and cystic changes (n= 7) was shown on ultrasonography as hypoechoic areas with no blood flow inside. Thin slice reformatted CT images with proper window technique can detect microcalcifications or mi-nor bone destruction. According to CT findings,there were 4 types of chest wall TB appearance including bone destruction ( n=13 ), cystic lesions ( n = 10), soft tissue thickening ( n = 4 ) and parietal pleural tuberculoma ( n= 2). Conclusion : The loca-tion of chest wall TB could be clearly demonstrated on CT, showing bone destruction, cold abscess, soft tissue mass or thick-ening,or extra chest wall lesions. Enhanced CT might further clarify the extent, depth or nature of lesion and play an impor-tant role for clinical treatment guidance.
Radiologic Practice
Chest wall
Tomography, X-ray computed