
气候变化背景下中国陆地生态系统碳储量及碳通量研究进展 被引量:38

Research progress on carbon storage and flux in different terrestrial ecosystem in China under global climate change
摘要 全球气候变化对全球生态系统的结构、功能和过程产生了重要影响,成为各国政府、社会公众以及科学界共同关心的焦点问题。陆地生态系统碳循环又是当前气候变化和区域可持续发展研究的核心内容之一,影响到经济和社会发展的各个方面。因此,开展陆地生态系统碳储量和碳通量的研究仍将是气候变化研究中的重点内容。总结了近年来国内森林、土壤、草地、农田四种陆地生态系统在碳储量、碳通量方面取得的研究成果和不足:随着遥感、GIS及模型的发展和应用,森林、草地生态系统碳储量的研究精度和范围要高于农田和土壤,而农田和土壤生态系统碳储量的研究多基于典型性样地和大量实验数据,结果受制于样点布设和采样密度;目前,土壤生态系统碳储量结果多基于上世纪80年代全国二次土壤普查数据计算所得,且总有机碳库的估算存在较大差异,土壤有机碳的组分研究中易氧化有机碳库研究滞后于总有机碳,迫切需要对我国现有土壤有机碳进行研究;农田生态系统受人类活动干扰强烈,从一个或几个站点到全国尺度都有对农田土壤有机碳贮量的研究成果,与国外相比,我国试验田的设置时间短,资料积累较少,更多侧重不同施肥方式下农作物产量和农田合理的施肥培肥模式研究,农田土壤有机碳含量关系我国农业生产和粮食安全,对农田土壤固碳机理的研究仍将是今后关注的焦点。各生态系统碳通量的监测取得了一定成果,近年来涡度相关系统在森林、土壤、草地、农田生态系统中得到了广泛的应用。并从气候、人类活动两个因素分析了其对生态系统碳储量、碳通量的影响。针对目前存在的问题,进一步指出了目前国内不同生态系统中碳循环在现状研究、有机碳变化机制、模型建立及气候变化和人类活动影响下的碳库时空格局方面得到加强。 Global climate change has an important impact on global ecosystem structure, function and progress, and become a common focus issues by the governments, public and scientific community. Terrestrial ecosystem carbon cycle is one of the core content in the current climate change and regional sustainable development research, and further impact on aspects of economic and social development. Therefore, research of terrestrial ecosystem carbon stocks and carbon fluxes is the key elements in the climate change. The paper was reviewed the research achievements and shortcomings in forest, grass, soil and farmland ecosystems in recent years at the aspects of carbon storage and flux, China. Along with the development and application of remote sensing, GIS and model, research accuracy of carbon storage in forest and grassland ecosystems are higher than farmland and soil. Carbon storage in soil ecosystem are calculated based on the national soil survey data in 1980s, there is a big difference, and easily oxidized organic carbon lags behind the TOC, soil organic carbon storage at present are needed to research. Farmland ecosystems are strongly disturbed by human activities, soil organic carbon storage in farmland have some research findings in one or several sites and countries scales, and experimental fields are founded in a short time and data accumulation is less mainly focused on crop yields under different fertilization, carbon sequestration mechanism will be the research focus in the future. The monitoring of carbon fluxes have achieved some results, eddy covariance flux in the forest, soil, grassland and farmland ecosystem has been widely used in the resent years. Relationship between climate change, human activity and ecosystems carbon cycle was analyzed. Finally, the further working direction and field are been point out in the carbon cycle research.
出处 《生态环境学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期873-878,共6页 Ecology and Environmental Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41101088) 河南省教育厅科学技术研究重点项目(12A170002) 广东高校优秀青年创新人才培育项目(LYM10080) 河南大学自然科学基金项目(2011YBZR034)
关键词 气候变化 陆地生态系统 碳储量 碳通量 研究进展 climate change terrestrial ecosystem carbon storage carbon flux research progress
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