
载脂蛋白A5基因多态性对代谢综合征及其心血管事件发生的影响 被引量:1

The incidence of apolipoprotein AS gene polymorphism on the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascu- lar events DAI
摘要 目的探讨载脂蛋白A5(ApoA5)基因多态性对代谢综合征及其心血管事件发生的影响。方法选择代谢综合征患者200例[其中未合并心血管事件患者100例(MS-1组),合并心血管事件100例(MS-2组)]和健康人100例(对照组)。用ELISA法检测各组的载脂蛋白A5血清浓度,采用PCR—RFLP法测定三组的ApoA5—1131T〉C基因多态性。结果MS-1组ApoA5血清浓度明显低于对照组[(96.68±18.09)ng/mlVS(128.32±23.78)ng/ml,t=10.59,P〈0.01];MS-2组ApoA5血清浓度亦低于MS-1组[(87.67±17.09)ng/mlVS(96.68±18.09)ng/ml,t=3.62,P〈0.01];而且MS-2组、MS—1组的ApoA5—1131C基因型频率明显高于对照组(39.4%〉30%〉16.5%,P〈0.05)。结论代谢综合征及其心血管事件患者的ApoA5血清浓度明显降低,ApoA5—1131C与代谢综合征及其心血管事件相关。 Objective To study the effect of apolipoprotein A5 gene polymorphism on the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular events. Methods A total of 200 patients with metabolic syndrome include 100 cases of unconsolidated cardiovascular events ( MS-1 group) and 100 cases of combined cardiovascular events (MS-2 group); 100 cases of healthy people were used as control group. Apolipoprotein A5 serum concentration was detected by ELISA in each group. PCR-RFLP method was used to determine ApoAS- 1131T 〉 C gene polymorphism. The automatic analyzer was used to measure fasting plasma glucose (FPG). Results The MS-l-group ApoA5 Serum concentration was significantly lower than the control group [ (96. 68 -+ 18. 09)ng/ml vs (128.32 -+ 23.78)ng/ml, t = 10. 59, P 〈 0. 01 ] ; the MS 2 groups ApoA5 se- rum concentrations was significantly lower than the MS-1 group [ ( 87.67 + 17.09 ) ng/ml vs ( 96. 68 + 18.09)ng/ml, t =3.62, P 〈0. 01 ] ; and ApoAS-1131C genotype frequency in MS-2 group and the MS-1 group was significantly higher than the control group (39.4% 〉30% 〉 16. 5%, P 〈0. 05). Conclusions ApoA5 serum concentrations in patients with metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular events were significantly reduced, ApoAS-1131 C was related to the metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular events.
出处 《中国医师杂志》 CAS 2013年第3期321-323,共3页 Journal of Chinese Physician
关键词 载脂蛋白A类 遗传学 载脂蛋白A类 血液 多态性 单核苷酸 代谢综合征X 心血管疾病 Apolipoproteins A/genetics Apolipoproteins A/blood Polymorphism, single nucleotide Metabolic syndrome X Cardiovascular diseases
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