
中国橐吾属(菊科-千里光族)的分类学研究(一):狭舌橐吾的名实订正(英文) 被引量:3

Taxonomic Studies on the Genus Ligularia Cass. (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China (I): The Identity of L. angustiligulata
摘要 由于对模式标本考证有误,狭舌橐吾(Ligularia angustiligulata C.C.Chang)长期以来被处理为沼生橐吾[L.lamarum(Diels)C.C.Chang]的异名。经我们考证,狭舌橐吾的主模式应为藏于PE的蔡希陶58004号标本(为唯一有狭舌橐吾的作者张肇骞先生所写定名签的标本),LBG藏有1份同号模式标本,它们与狭舌橐吾的原白完全吻合,而藏于KUN(2份)和SZ(1份)的同号标本与狭舌橐吾的原白在一些重要性状上相冲突,均非狭舌橐吾的模式标本;进而发现狭舌橐吾与叶状鞘橐吾(L.phyllocoleaHand.-Mazz.)在形态上没有本质区别,故应处理为后者的异名,而藏于KUN和SZ的3份标本均属于沼生橐吾。同时还指出长柄橐吾(L.longipes C.C.Chang)的名实有待进一步研究,其模式与叶状鞘橐吾有较大区别,似不宜将其处理为叶状鞘橐吾的异名。 Through herbarium and literature surveys, we found that when Liu (in Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 77(2): 72. 1989) reduced Ligularia angustiligulata C. C. Chang to the synonymy under L. lamarum (Diels) C. C. Chang, he did not check any authentic type material of the former name, i.e. H. T. Tsai 58004 (LBG, PE). The specimens he checked, including two sheets at KUN and one sheet at SZ, albeit also numbered H. T. Tsai 58004 and with the exactly same collection information as the two Tsai specimens at LBG and PE, are in conflict with the protologue in some important characters and thus do not belong to the type collection of L. angustiligulata. These three sheets are clearly referable to L. lamarum. The sheet at PE agrees perfectly with the protologue of L. angustiligulata and is the only specimen bearing the name “L. angustiligulata” in C. C. Chang’s hand, and undoubtedly is the holotype of this name. The sheet at LBG also fits perfectly the protologue of L. angustiligulata and is thus an isotype of the name. We determined that L. angustiligulata is not essentially different from L. phyllocolea Hand.-Mazz. and should be placed in synonymy under the latter. In addition, we found the type material of L. longipes C. C. Chang to be different from L. phyllocolea in some important characters. Further studies are thus needed to determine the identity of L. longipes, which is currently placed in synonymy under L. phyllocolea.
作者 任琛 杨亲二
出处 《热带亚热带植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期351-355,共5页 Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(31170186,31110103911) the Main Direction Program of Knowledge Innovation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KSCX2-EW-Z-1)
关键词 菊科 千里光族 橐吾属 分类学 Asteraceae Senecioneae Ligularia Cass. Taxonomy
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