
基于Feistel结构的混沌密码算法 被引量:1

Chaotic Block-Cipher Algorithm based on Feistel Structure
摘要 混沌密码学现在已经发展成为现代密码学一个必不可少的分支,利用混沌系统的伪随机性和不可重复、不可预测等特点来构造加密算法,已经是密码学研究关注的焦点,但安全问题一直没有得到很好的解决。针对这一问题,将混沌映射、S盒构造、Feistel结构和密钥扩展相互融合,提出基于混沌映射和Feistel结构的混沌密码算法,并对算法的可行性和安全性进行了分析,通过硬件仿真,证明该算法具有较好的安全性。 Chaos cryptography is now a very important branch of modern cryptography. With pseudo randomness, unrepeatability and unpredictability of chaotic system for creating encryption algorithm, this cryptography becomes the focus in crypto research. And however, its security still remains a unsolved problem. Thus, based on combination of chaotic mapping, S-box structure, Feistel structure and crypto-key extension, the chaotic crypto algorithm based on chaotic mapping and Feistel structure is proposed, and its feasibility and security is analyzed. Simulation on hardware indicates that this crypto algorithm is of fairly good security.
出处 《通信技术》 2013年第7期73-75,78,共4页 Communications Technology
关键词 混沌分组密码 混沌映射 扩展Feistel结构 chaos block cipher chaotic mapping extended feistel structure
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