
1993-2003年中国结核病经济负担分析 被引量:3

Economic impact analysis of TB in China 1993 to 2003
摘要 目的 研究中国结核病造成的疾病经济负担.方法以家庭调查及常规统计和监测数据为基础,通过卫生经济学疾病经济负担分析方法,测算中国1993-2003年间结核病造成的直接经济负担、间接经济负担和总经济负担,并分析结核病经济负担在传染病疾病经济负担中的比重.结果 1993年结核病造成的经济负担约为42.7亿元,其中直接和间接经济负担分别为24.1亿元和18.6亿元;到2003年结核病造成的疾病经济负担已达到110.6亿元,其中直接和间接经济负担分别为77.5亿元和33.1亿元;10年间疾病经济负担增长了1.6倍,超过同期GDP的增速.在结核病造成的疾病经济负担中,以直接经济负担的比重较大,且有随时间增大的趋势.10年间结核病经济负担占所有传染病经济负担的比重由34.3%上升了15个百分点,2003年已占到所有传染病经济负担的一半.结论 结核病造成的经济负担沉重,而且增长速度非常快,因此仍然要强调结核病的防控.有效的控制结核病将对降低我国传染病疾病负担产生重要影响,特别要加强对结核病直接经济负担的控制. Objective To estimate the economic burden caused by TB (tuberculosis) and its proportion in total econom- ic burden of infectious diseases in China from 1993 to 2003. Methods Using data from National Health Service Surveys and routine hospital-based statistics and surveillance, the health economic analysis methods have been selected and the burden of dis- eases, including direct and in-direct economic burden, have been calculated macroscopically. Results The economic burden caused by TB is 4.27 billion RMB (2.41 billion for direct and 1.86 billion for in-direct economic burden) in 1993, and I1.06 billion RMB (7.75 billion for direct and 3.31 billion for in-direct economic burden) in 2003. The economic burden has in- creased by 1.6 times in 10 years which is faster than the growth of GDP. The direct economic burden contribute more than in-di- rect economic burden to total burden of TB. The proportion of economic burden caused by TB has increased from 34.3% to al- most half of the total economic burden of infectious diseases. Conclusion Control and prevention of TB still should be one of the main tasks in China since the economic burden caused by TB is so heavy. The main findings indicate that to control TB effectively will be very important for decreasing the burden of infectious diseases in China and more efforts should be taken to control the di- rect economic burden.
出处 《中国医院统计》 2013年第3期161-163,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Statistics
基金 世界银行贷款卫十项目《中国结核病控制项目实施性研究》
关键词 结核病 疾病经济负担 直接经济负担 间接经济负担 Tuberculosis Economic burden of disease Direct cost Indirect cost
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