
“语义饱和”与“字形饱和”研究的内在关联性 被引量:1

The Inter-relevance between Semantic Satiation and Orthographic Satiation
摘要 郑昭明等坚持认为西方学者对英语"语义饱和"现象的研究与台湾和日本学者对汉字"字形饱和"现象的研究存有本质差异。通过对两种饱和现象的产生原因、刺激物和结果一致性、文字结构与意义不可分离性以及内涵符号学意指系统进行分析,我们发现该观点不成立,两种研究存在着内在关联性,"字形饱和"现象实为"语义饱和"现象的第一阶段。 Cheng Chao-ming and his colleagues claim that there is an essential difference between western scholars' research of 'semantic satiation'phenomena in English and Taiwan and Japanese scholars' research of 'orthographic satiation'phenomena in Chinese characters.Through a thorough analysis of the consistency of the cause,stimulant and effect of satiation phenomena,the inseparability of structure and meaning,and the principle of signification system of connotative semiotics,we conclude that Cheng's point of view is untenable.The two researches are interrelated,i.e.orthographic satiation is actually the first stage of semantic satiation.
作者 马铁川 林靖
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期1-5,127,共5页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
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