
ACMC环境下英语写作同侪互评质量与效能研究 被引量:3

A Study on the Quality and Efficacy of ACMC-based Peer Writing Assessment
摘要 本研究旨在探讨非即时计算机辅助通信(ACMC)环境下英语写作同侪互评的质量与效能。研究分析了同侪互评手法的评判水平、互评的有效性及两者对写作质量的影响。研究发现,经过同侪互评的修改稿比初稿在写作质量上有一定提高,但学生采用的互评手法评判水平偏低;初稿接收同侪评价单元较多,最终被用于修改初稿的单元却很少;被用于修改初稿的单元大多数属于低评判水平互评手法的单元,对学生写作表面修改有促进作用,对整体修改没有明显提升。 This study investigates the quality and efficacy of ACMC-based peer writing assessment.It focuses on the critical levels of assessing techniques,the effectiveness of peer assessment,and the impact of these two factors on writing quality.The findings indicate that there is certain improvement in writing quality from original drafts to revised drafts after peer assessment.But the students are inclined to use assessing techniques of low critical levels.Though the original drafts receive a great many assessments,a rather low proportion of them are applied in revision.Most of these applied assessments fall into the category of low-critical techniques which lead to surface changes,rather than global ones,in the revised drafts.
作者 翁克山 李青
出处 《解放军外国语学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第4期62-67,128,共6页 Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages
基金 海南省教育厅普通高校高等学校大学英语教改项目课题"计算机为媒介的非即时通信环境下英语写作同伴互评研究"(Hyjg2011-8)
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